Do you think it’s so easy to get fresh salmon in Egypt? Explore How it’s exclusive and know the advantages of fresh salmon, brought to you exclusively by Maxim-Food Company. Discover the unique Flavors and health benefits of this premium delicacy, while we also delve into the differences between fresh and frozen variants. Join us on this culinary journey as we celebrate the exceptional qualities of fresh salmon and its importing process.

Exclusivity of Fresh Salmon

MaximFood Company takes pride in being the only provider of fresh salmon in Egypt. This exclusivity guarantees that you can relish the unparalleled quality of this highly sought-after fish. Through partnerships with renowned suppliers, MaximFood Company ensures a consistent supply of the freshest salmon, finally Maximfood are certified from many international food organizations because of our hygiene standards and high professionality, and here is how it goes:

MaximFood Company, a renowned supplier of premium seafood. With a commitment to delivering the finest quality Salmon, MaximFood ensures that the salmon reaches its destination in Egypt as fresh as it can possibly be. The journey begins in the pristine waters of Scotland, where skilled fishermen catch the salmon at the peak of its freshness. Immediately after being caught, the salmon is carefully placed in ice boxes to maintain its optimal temperature and preserve its delicate flavor. Swiftly transported by air, the salmon makes its way to Egypt, where it arrives at MaximFood Company’s facility. Here, a team of highly trained professionals meticulously cut and pack the salmon, ensuring that it retains its incredible freshness. The packaged salmon is then ready to be delivered to our customers, guaranteeing a delightful culinary experience that showcases the natural flavors of this exquisite Scottish delicacy. MaximFood Company’s commitment to excellence and dedication to preserving the freshness of the salmon make us a trusted choice for seafood.


Benefits of Fresh Salmon

Superior Flavor and Texture: Fresh salmon captivates the senses with its delicate, buttery flavor and tender, succulent flesh. Compared to frozen alternatives, fresh salmon offers a noticeably superior taste and texture, elevating your culinary experience to new heights.


Nutritional Value: Fresh salmon is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with essential nutrients. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Regular consumption of fresh salmon can contribute to heart health, brain function, and overall well-being.


Versatility in Cooking: Fresh salmon’s firm texture and robust flavor make it an incredibly versatile ingredient. Whether grilled, baked, poached, or used in sushi and sashimi preparations, fresh salmon lends itself to a wide array of culinary creations, allowing you to explore your creativity in the kitchen, We provide it in all shapes (Salmon fillet, salmon portion, salmon sashimi, sushi and smoked salmon) .


Differences between Fresh and Frozen Salmon

Texture: Fresh salmon boasts a firm, tender texture that is preserved due to its minimal exposure to freezing temperatures. In contrast, freezing salmon alters its cellular structure, resulting in a slightly softer and less firm texture upon thawing.


Flavor: Fresh salmon imparts a clean, vibrant flavor that is preserved due to immediate processing after harvesting. On the other hand, frozen salmon can experience flavor degradation during the freezing and thawing process, resulting in a slightly milder taste.


Nutritional Integrity: Fresh salmon retains its nutritional integrity, ensuring maximum health benefits. Freezing, while preserving some nutrients, can lead to marginal losses in certain vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

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